Sebastian - Rope Access Supervisor - L3
Specialist: Sky76
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2001 - Now: Rope acces technician; - Poland
- Demolition of chimneys
- Assembly of advertising banners
- Painting of structures
- Sandblasting of structures
- Measurements of pipeline thickness
- Assembly of electrical installations
- Cleaning of industrial installations
- Cleaning of silos in cement plants
- Inspections of boilers in the power plant
- Repair of brickwork
- Membrane roof replacement
- Installation of the membrane facade on the tower for testing 250m elevators
- Paint campany on offshore wind farm Horns Rev 3
- Inspection of the membrane and steel structure(Testurm Tower Rottweil)
- GWO FirstAid, Manual Handling,Work at Heights, Fire Awareness, Sea Survival
- VCA Basic
- OGUK Medical
- Fit to train
- ActSafe Equipment Lifting
- SEP 1KV (Polish electrical certificate)
- Sport Climbing Instruktor PZA
- Hatha Joga Instruktor
- Drive Licence „B” „C”
- Polish
- Russian | Basic
- English | Basic
Are you interested in this professional?
Please contact us at: +31 (0) 183 73 3100 or
Contact SkyPeople
- +31 (0) 183 73 3100
Kolk 26
4241 TJ Arkel -
KvK: 73649457